
Assembling Data Science

Assembling Data Science is a first-in-kind sociotechnical analysis of efforts to institutionalize data science at the national level in the United States, a process that is in fact occurring at vastly different scales and at quite a rapid pace. We are establishing a framework for evaluating & understanding large-scale, cross-disciplinary collaboration on big data tools, techniques, & methods.

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Salmon / Data / Integration

salmon / data / integration is an ethnographic investigation of how data are integrated across heterogeneous stakeholders concerned with Alaska's wild salmon fisheries

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Ecology of AIDS Research Infrastructure

Ecology of AIDS Research Infrastructure explores important ways in which infrastructures adapt to changing scientific knowledge, and how such knowledge changes the way the object of study is understood.

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Knowledge Infrastructures for Sustainable Transitions

Knowledge Infrastructures for Sustainable Transitions is a large-scale ethnographic case study and transition analysis of renewable energy research, innovation, and development. Our goal is to explore how to create adaptive knowledge infrastructures that will support and sustain research and management programs through environmental and sociotechnical transitions.

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